Monday 22 June 2009

Whilst staying at my partner’s student house I got fed up with looking at the mess and I refused to clean up for them. So one boring afternoon while waiting for my partner to return from an exam, I decided to create something a bit more pretty to look at for the living room. I considered that the house was full of boys and it needed some psychedelic colour in it. So this is how it turned out.

Thursday 18 June 2009

This was for another project called ‘Being Human’ for this images I looked at the way people look at themselves and how self-aware we have to be. I think the idea is there but the image and colours are not working for me at the moment.
This was titled ‘Home of Illustration’ the brief was to draw 20 found objects in your house. This was my finished piece though it was allot of fun to do and so I’m going to continue to improve it so that it’s at a better standard of illustration. At the moment I don’t think it is ready to be added to my portfolio. So any suggestions and comments would be much appreciated.